• Bronsmantel minskar haveririsken.
  • Bronsmantel ökar resistensen mot korrision
  • Konstruerat för att fungera även utan smörjning.

The BBT bearing is primarily intended for oscillatory motions and bearing installations where frequent stop-start occurs.

The BBT and BBT-F cylindrical bearing, is a three-layer bearing consisting of a bronze mantle and a sintered bronze middle layer that is impregnated and coated with a PTFE layer. The BBT bearing is primarily intended for oscillatory motions and bearing installations where frequent stop-start occurs.

The friction coefficient is very low; therefore the BBT bearing can be used without lubrication. The BBT bearing has good chemical resistance to most common substances. The thin layer that constitutes the bearing’s surface, should be well protected to avoid damage during assembly and from heat e.g. from welding.

Technical data

SBT:Steel backing, bronze, PTFE-layer
RBT:Stainless steel backing, bronze, PTFE-layer
BBT:Bronze backing, bronze, PTFE-layer
Max speed:Osmort 2,5m/s, Smort >2,5m/s
Temperature range:-200 / +280 °C
Ca: 250 N/mm2Static
140 N/mm2Dynamic
60 N/mm2Rotating, oscillating


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